Amne: Mobile App Onboarding Screens
Designed onboarding flow for Amne’s app that launched in December 2018 (woo!). You can download the Amne Homes & Real Estate app from the App Store and Play Store.
Our team has developed an All Day Open House experience which allows home shoppers to visit any home in Amne’s inventory any day from 8am to 8pm. They can visit without a real estate agent and they can come back as many times as they’d like. All they have to do is walk up to the front door and click one button in the app and the door will unlock.
I determined the content and structure of the onboarding flow for the company’s first app. I created the illustrations according to illustration style guidelines defined by fellow designer on the team, Natasha Alia. We wanted this app to be playful and lighthearted, but still direct and to the point. I created these 3 screens (accompanied by permission screens below) that highlight the most important ways that home shoppers could use the app, and in chronological order that a user would be most likely to perform those tasks.
UI Design, Illustration
Nov 2017
Mobile app (iOS, Android)
Sophie (Design, Illustrations), Natasha Alia (Design Lead of the Amne app), Marci McClenon (Engineering)